What is the hourly rental rate for the studio?
$250 - 8 hrs
$325 - 12 hrs
Where is Just Space LA located?
10062 Laurel Canyon Blvd. Pacoima CA 91331
What hours is the studio available?
If you want to take photos at let’s say, midnight,
please send us an email @ justspacela@gmail.com
and we will see what we can do to help you out.
What equipment is included?
Just Space LA is just that - just space.
Feel free to bring whatever you need.
How big is the studio?
14’ x 65’
How is the natural light?
There are 2 large windows that provide a
healthy amount of natural light. We also have
some track lighting and several pendants for those
who would like a secondary light source.
The walls and ceiling are also painted white which
makes the entire space very bright.
Is there parking?
We have 2 private spaces available behind the studio,
perfect for loading and unloading.
Are there restrooms?
Yes. There are 2 private single restrooms.
How do I book?
Email us at justspacela@gmail.com